Wait, What Are You Prepping For?
In almost every post we talk of preparing for disasters or emergencies and the simple steps you can take ahead of time to become prepared. Being prepa...
In almost every post we talk of preparing for disasters or emergencies and the simple steps you can take ahead of time to become prepared. Being prepa...
No, this isn’t a trick question and I do think there are very big differences between someone who calls themselves a survivalist and someone who pre...
When SHTF, you better be in shape and your fitness level now is probably not as great as you will wish it was in a survival situation. In emergencies,...
Plus the reason why the US Government is so eager to disarm the American people....
Oatmeal – Jazzing Up the Ubiquitous Prepper Cereal Being inexpensive, rolled oats can help us save money now, and it’s a good one to stock up on f...
I was inspired to write this post while watching my favorite TV show, the Walking Dead. My wife and I only watch one TV show and this one, while I [&h...
From simple sunburns to touching that hot item on the stove, or reaching into the over too quickly most of us have been burned to varying degrees. In...
I wanted to share this bean and rice survival soup recipe, because it’s an inexpensive and easy one to prep, store, and make when you’re ready to...
For many preppers, a firearm is a must-have item for dealing with the aftermath of a potential SHTF or grid-down event. Firearms in the hands of prope...
In the case of a SHTF event, we could live without internet, cars and gadgets. We could survive without electricity, air conditioning, heating systems...
A perennial problem faced by suburban and rural dwellers is obtaining water in the absence of utility provided electric power. Standby generators requ...
When your supply of freeze-dried food runs out and the survival garden isn’t producing as well as you hoped, there are plenty of food options to be...