Everything You Wanted to Know about the Prepper Movement but were Afraid to Ask
I had this thought as I was walking around the other day and wanted to jot down some answers to common questions I see asked and answered out there re...
I had this thought as I was walking around the other day and wanted to jot down some answers to common questions I see asked and answered out there re...
The news seems to always be a sober reminder of the importance of being prepared for any one of a number of scenarios. Here at Final Prepper we try to...
While Harvey moves away from Texas, it makes me start to mentally go over my preps and I start analyzing what I still haven’t done, or need to check...
In our family, I am the Prepper with a capital P. I am mainly responsible for acquiring the gear, skills and knowledge and I have an interest in the s...
Prepping is all about giving yourself a chance to survive. By preparing for disasters, you are proactively taking steps that give you higher odds of m...
I have heard it stated somewhere “intent plus capability equals threat”. I believe it is an old formula used by people smarter than me when they a...
According to Wikipedia, Normalcy bias is a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of...
Practical Preparedness – Planning by Prevalence When we jump on preparedness sites, sometimes we’re immediately struck by the enormous load...
Earthquakes happen virtually anywhere which reminds us that this natural disaster is a fact of life we could reasonably expect to see at some point in...
Security is a 24 hour requirement. If you can’t surveille, detect, and defend when the sun goes down, then you will vulnerable to the bad guy...
Let’s start at the very beginning. Why do you need a small business disaster recovery plan? The answer is simple. According to the Federal Em...
Because the topic has been discussed extensively, I had sworn off writing about investing in precious metals as part of a preparedness strategy. How...