I want to talk about what I believe to be the most critical necessity in the event the SHTF: The ability to shelter in place, in a shelter that...
Hopefully, you are already in full swing on your own garden, but if you have been putting it off, or are still conducting research on how to start you...
I generally agree with the premise that skills are far more important than stuff, and that knowledge weighs nothing. There are skills that benefit us,...
I’m a mother of two in Texas who is very concerned about the very real possibility of SHTF happening within the next several years. I began p...
Part Two – Preparation and Use The term COLLOID refers to any substance that forms a particle so finely divided that it will not precipitate due to...
It is the sound that almost everyone fears at some point. ‘That noise’ you hear while you are in bed that doesn’t sound right. I don’t know ho...
Click on the category that you would like to view. This is a list I started compiling of prepper gear I own or have used and recommend for various sit...
Live poultry often are carriers of Salmonella – a germ that can be harmful to humans. But how big is the risk? In chickens, Salmonella is a naturall...
Most of us have read a ton of material about prepping, enough to know how absurd/impractical/expensive some of the advice is. We also know that...
You were right! The SHTF event you have been preparing for has happened and you and your family are ready. Your bug-out bags are packed; your w...
Hurricane season for the Atlantic Ocean runs from June 1st to November 30th with a sharp peak in activity from late August through September. It was p...