After the Apocalypse: What Will You Do Then?
Many Preppers get into the lifestyle of prepping, trying to solve a problem. The individuals and scenarios each person has in mind while contemplating...
Many Preppers get into the lifestyle of prepping, trying to solve a problem. The individuals and scenarios each person has in mind while contemplating...
You are at work. You are 60 miles from your home and have one major obstacle (river) in between your house and work. Your work location is an o...
As a prepper you may have stockpiled all sorts of food items, and you probably know how to grow your own food crops. You may be so skilled at [...
Many preppers have formed a mental picture of the ideal bug out destination being a cabin located in some remote wilderness, well away from any popula...
When you live in an area of North America that is prone to blizzards, you must take it seriously and prepare accordingly. The Blizzard of ’77...
There’s a little tool called a health wheel I learned about as a victim’s advocate forever ago. Another variant is called a wellness wheel....
While many want to avoid the pitfalls that come with Murphy’s Law, not many know the origin of the famed mid-20th century adage. As the story goes,...
What are you afraid of? These are the words that I hear often from friends, strangers and the media. What was once normal has become “absurd” and...
When you consider the events that preppers all over the world seem to prepare for, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, hurricanes, government collapse, ec...
It’s like a bad scene out of a disaster movie mixed with your worst nightmare. Some event forces you and your family to leave your home with only yo...
I am always being asked for my advice about what equipment should be taken on trips to out-of-the-way places. My initial response is to take as...
Everything around us is getting smarter: phones, television, brands, and now our homes and our home security. The “smart revolution,” anchored on...