The Final Prepper is a daily survival blog devoted to a wide variety of preparedness, survival, self-reliance and personal defense topics for readers who want to protect themselves and their family from seen and unseen disasters in our future. I started the Final Prepper with the goal of helping people become more prepared for life’s curve-balls. It is my belief that anyone can take steps to be more prepared for natural or man-made disasters regardless of your age or physical ability. With that in mind, I want to do anything I can to motivate people, share lessons I learned and continue to learn along the way, provide a platform for others to speak out about preparedness topics and to share their own personal experiences.
Alexander Cain is a pen name chosen by me because I wish to keep my identity confidential as much as possible and still be on the internet. I am the editor of the Final Prepper and I began prepping back in 2007 before I had really even heard of the term Prepper or Prepping. Back then I think thegoing phrase for people learning the topics I was interested in was survivalist and most of the information at the time was for living in the woods if you were stranded on some vacation from hell. There was a healthy dose of content geared toward more of a Militia audience as well and I think these two mindsets merged with practicality and formed what is now referred to as Prepping. Nat Geo probably helped push that term into the spotlight a little too…
I believe prepping has become more mainstream now because, it is based upon common sense. For so many years we have watched scenes of disaster and destruction on our TV sets and have witnessed very ‘normal’ weather events that turned life upside down unnecessarily for those unprepared for the aftermath. The world has been waking up to the simple truth that bad things happen all the time and when they do, you are your best bet for survival. You are the number one person you should depend upon for survival and you, more than any government agency in the world care more about your family’s safety and survival.
I have a background in the military yet I did not see combat although that was my motivation for joining like most young men I think. I don’t own an underground bunker or a remote cabin in the woods guarded by clay-more mines. I have never served as a mercenary and haven’t spent time as a contract killer for the CIA. I am a Father and husband to a beautiful family and I want to take care of them in any way I can. Hopefully that comes through in my writings on the Final Prepper.
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