Bread is a truly wonderful food. It tastes good no matter what you do to it — whether you’re toasting it and slathering it with butter, or covering it in eggs and making French toast
Building a survival stockpile is a challenge on many levels. Trying to afford it, is one challenge. Trying to ensure that it will provide your family with the necessary nutrition, is another challenge altogether; one
I am not a fan of wasting food because I feel bad for the people who don’t have any but also because I don’t know what will happen in the future and I want to
One of the best ways to ensure your family is prepared for no matter what is to have a useful, and plentiful supply of stored food. I love MREs and freeze-dried meals, specifically, because they
There are so many projects that you can do on your homestead. Have you considered DIY projects with PVC pipes? There are a number of things that you can do from animal care to garden
The number one thing I prepare for is a POWER OUTAGE when SHTF. Every SHTF series of events includes the inevitable power outage. In fact, whenever the power goes out, even temporarily, I wonder if
A large part of prepping is the art of storing provisions and other necessary items in anticipation of a time when they will not be readily available, due to a breakdown in society and its
We’ve all heard the news reports of seeds discovered in ancient tombs that germinated when they were planted; even the seeds you purchase are labelled with dates of expiration or seasonal use. What is the
The oceans contain 97% of all the earth’s water, so if you and your family are searching for a healthy supply, don’t worry about moving your homestead to the coast.
It takes loads of energy to