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Hall of Fame Natural Immune Boosters

Hall of Fame Natural Immune Boosters

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The world around us has increasingly become one of pills and of potions. We have highly regulated pharmaceutical practices that require nearly 1 billion dollars to bring a new medicine to market. That is an astounding amount of money for healing.

The efficacy of these drugs, medicines, antibiotics and narcotics have done a lot of good and a lot of harm. Somehow, we began living a life that was wholly dependent on these man-made drugs. There was no thought given to how we survived for so many thousands of years.

Now, its obvious that the explosion of healthy populations across the planet is largely due to food production and medical advancements. Still, we don’t need to turn to powerful over the counter medicines for everything.

Boosting Immunity Naturally

There are many naturally occurring plants and foods that will boost immunity just by consuming them. These are the remedies used we have used for a long time to stay healthy.

We didn’t always have pain medicine or fever reducer, but we learned that willow bark could affect these things.

Most of the illness we deal with today has to do with a compromised immune system. We don’t eat enough high-quality foods to boost our immune system and we eat too many processed foods that hurt our immunity.

Some of these immune boosters stand out above others and we are going to look at 7 of these powerful natural immune boosters. There are 7 of these that have made our natural immune boosting Hall of Fame!

Natural Immune Booster Hall of Fame


  • Crystalized Vitamin C

For a long time, people have been seeking out Vitamin C. Whether through the orange juice or the vitamins, people want plenty of Vitamin C in their diet.

Where many people fall short in their quest to maximize Vitamin C and immunity is that they depend on pill form Vitamin C. You cannot maximize your immunity this way. The best answer is the use of crystalized vitamin C. This dissolvable vitamin C is going to penetrate your body and you can dose much higher.

You want about 1000mg of vitamin C or one flat teaspoon per day. This is the king of natural immune boosters.


  • Pine Needle Tea

If you are looking to source powerful immune boosting Vitamin C in the wild you can make a hot cup of pine needle tea. What most people don’t know about pine needle tea is that each cup of pine needle tea has about 350mg of Vitamin C.

There may be no better answer for simple immune boosting properties in a survival situation or when you are out in the wild.


  • Echinacea

Also known as cone flower, this plant can be grown in backyards all cross the nation. Not only is it an immune booster it is also a beautiful flower. The flower and stems can be used to make a simple immune boosting tea.

This flower can also be dried and stored to have the properties and the tea for later use.


  • Ginger

There is something about the taste of ginger, it just feels like its good for you! Ginger has been shown to activate T Cells which will fight off viruses. Ginger is a powerful healer that is a necessity when it comes to boosting immunity.


  • Garlic

Another biting root, like ginger, garlic is a powerful and offers up many properties that protect you against viral and fungal infections. Garlic can be used topically as well as internally. It’s a powerful little root.

It’s an ancient healer that has been used for millennia.


  • Elderberry

The powerful active ingredient in Elderberry, regarding immunity, are flavonoids. These have been shown to help with things like inflammation and immunity.

One of the most popular natural remedies for the fighting flu symptoms is elderberry syrup. Its been shown that if you start taking this syrup at the earliest sign of flu like symptoms it can substantially decrease the effects of the flu.


  • Probiotics

We have learned that gut health has so much to do with immunity and overall health. The best way to nurture that gut bacteria is to put the right things in there. Stay away from processed foods and add some fermented foods to your diet.

These contain the helpful probiotics, and this makes a huge difference in how your body operates.


Integrating These into Your Life

Its one thing to know about these powerful healers but its another thing to put them into practice in your daily life. This requires that you change your lifestyle. You might want to take on a lifestyle that is more focused on preparedness and holistic, simple, purposeful living.

While preppers have been looked at through a strange lens in the past its clear that there is a lot more to it than just putting up food and ammunition. If you want to know more about natural immunity and healing remedies check out The Doomsday Book Of Medicine which is a comprehensive guide to preparedness in the modern age.  Why would you need such a guide with all the technology and meds around? Follow this link and read about how a simple blackout can disrupt all of our lives. Especially of those who need and seek treatment everyday. 

If you are looking to integrate natural remedies and healing into your lifestyle, this might be the answer for you. And having a great resource on your side can make all the difference. 


Are there other immune boosters on the market and in the wild? Sure. These 7 are the very best. If we had to mention one more it would be the fragrant oregano plant. It has powerful antibacterial properties.

This hall of fame selection can have a positive affect on your daily life, and you can also combine some of these in order to create powerful healers to call upon when you are sick or just as supplementation daily.

Your health does not have to exist in pill form.


Written by

I write for Final Prepper and The Prepper's Daily, covering topics affecting our everyday life. I retired from working for the government because I think I can help more here, at home, than abroad. Happily married and a proud father, I am dedicated to keep them safe. I strongly believe preppers are just common sense people being aware they should be able to handle everyday problems they might face, by themselves, without counting on anyone's help. And after years of being a father, I think preppers want to reach self-sufficiency not because they don't like other people, or don't trust them. It's just that they love their families more. And as I see it, talking from my experience only, and not from a book I read, prepping is an act and proof of love.

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