How to Tap Water from Your Heater and Toilet
So, the power goes out. No water! Tried everything I could think of but to no avail. Soon enough, I came to realize that I didn’t have a drop of wat...
So, the power goes out. No water! Tried everything I could think of but to no avail. Soon enough, I came to realize that I didn’t have a drop of wat...
There are a lot of articles, videos, tips and even special chemicals designed to enable the average Prepper to be able to light a fire in all manner o...
For anyone lucky enough to have a shallow water table without bedrock, a do-it-yourself driven well saves thousands of dollars compared to having a bo...
One, if not the most important aspect of Emergency Preparedness to get right is developing a plan for how you will obtain water. You simply can’t li...
In Part 1, we discussed the conundrum of water; how it was necessary, but safe water is not always available. We listed what could contaminate water...
Water is a critical component of life. Go without any for three days, and your chances of being dead are very high. We are used to water being ava...
Throughout history, settlements form near water. The largest and most successful settle with plentiful water. There are a number of reasons for that....
As recently as 100 years ago, the most important site consideration for homesteaders and villages was whether plenty of good water was within easy rea...
Some 10 years back, I left the city and set out to build a cabin in the Alaskan wilderness. It was late September before I could actually begin...
I recently read an article about what a woman learned from a weekend of surviving on stored water. Basically she learned to have her kids share...
Access to clean water means the difference between life and death in any part of the world. In order to disinfect water preppers usually recommend ble...
As you already know, prepping is also about using what’s at hand. But a real prepper knows what to store in order to have it all at hand. Take s...