History Lessons On Staying Warm in Winter
Humanity has survived in some pretty frigid extremes, even before the advent of our sleek ski suits and long underwear. Even so, it doesn’t take all...
Humanity has survived in some pretty frigid extremes, even before the advent of our sleek ski suits and long underwear. Even so, it doesn’t take all...
For preppers, a home’s location is of utmost importance. Your home is your headquarters, your castle and sanctuary. It’s the one place you hope to...
In this day and age, we have plumbing and faucets. We have our own water bills and water heaters. We also have our own water pipelines which connects...
Surviving in cold geographical areas can be challenging even to plants. No season is as harsh to both indoor and outdoor plants and flowers as winter....
Rock beats scissors and paper thrashes rock, but nothing beats paperclips. If I were to erect a statue for one of the many household objects that save...
Life in plastic is, without a doubt, fantastic, especially when you find yourself in a shit hits the fan situation. Can’t say that I’m a big fan o...
Who knows what could happen tomorrow? This is the philosophy that most preppers live by. No matter the situation, when danger suddenly appears, a prep...
Over the years I have heard preppers lumped into the same boat as Hoarders. This is always with a negative connotation but I think that the connection...
I’m one of those people who really loves soups and stews. A good soup simmering on the stove makes a house feel like home, it offers comfort durin...
The world we live in continues to get scarier and uglier with each passing day. During any disaster, you want to be as secluded as possible from any l...
The summer gets out of hand in a hurry. Before you know it, you are giving bags of produce away and you are sick of eating all that great food you gre...
What can be composted? Leaves Grass clippings Brush trimmings Manure (preferably organic) Any non-animal food scraps: fruits, vegetables, peelings, br...