Personal Hygiene First Aid
In cases of emergency and situations, in which the only thing you can think of is survival, personal hygiene first aid is something you need to have previously prepared. To stay clean and keep your hygiene on the necessary level, here are some useful advices, you can apply to make your survival easier and less painful. The most important ingredient you need to have is water. How to be prepared to stay alive and have the necessary water for drinking, washing and cleaning is a problem, which isn’t easily resolved. If you have the necessary materials to keep your body clean, you can use water only for drinking and save it as much as possible for staying alive.
If you have some essential tools, packed with you, your survival in hurricanes, disasters and emergency situations won’t be that hard. Keeping a fire starting kit, some napkins, soap, wet wipes, towels and enough quantity of water for drinking, is very important. If you have access to some water resource, no matter if the water may be salty or inappropriate for drinking, with some matches and distillation (video below) you can boil it and make it usable for hygiene and drinking. Water from oceans and seas, which is salty and polluted can’t be only boiled, disinfected and used for drinking unless you remove the salt first by distillation.
You can store your water for drinking in plastic bottles, but each year they need to be refilled with fresh water. One gallon for each person a day is the necessary quantity for survival, according to some research. In this quantity is included the water you will use for drinking, cleaning, washing and etc. The sterilized water can also be used, as it has five years shelf live. You can also sterilize your water using some purification tablets and other sources for water disinfection.
Keeping a roll of gauze, wet wipes, clean cloths is also important. These items will help you keep your hygiene on a considerably good level. Keep with you a few packs of aspirin, pills used for painkillers and various purposes, antibiotics for emergency situations, toilet rolls, medical tape. All these pills and items are important for your survival and personal hygiene first aid. A sharp pocket knife or other cutting knife and scissors are also important tools, you will definitely need at some point of your survival.
Baking soda can be used for many purposes and is a useful product you should keep. If you don’t have shampoos and soap, in emergencies, baking soda can be used as a substitute for disinfecting your scalp, some wounds and infections. If you keep enough rubbing alcohol you can use it for cleaning wounds, skin infections, irritations and different other purposes. It is also an essential part of your personal hygiene first aid.
If you don’t have enough water to take a shower and clean your body, you can search for some natural brooklet or any natural source of water, even the sea or ocean. The water needs to be boiled to kill all microbes and bacteria it has, if you want to use it for drinking. This can be done through the use of matches and some wood. If you don’t have enough water for washing and cleaning, you can use your wet wipes to disinfect your body. All infections and bites from insects and animals on your skin, can be stopped with a clean cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol. If you don’t have such clean the wounds with soap and water.
To survive in emergency situations like floods, earthquake, hurricane and others, you need to have a prepared first aid kit. Toilet paper, wet wipes, pills, soap and bottles with water are essential for survival. Keeping your personal hygiene on the necessary level, which includes washing your hands, taking a shower, dental hygiene and wound disinfection and care, is very important. Cleaning your hands before and after preparing of the food, before eating, after going to the toilet, after touching rubbish, before disinfecting wounds and in other such occasions is of utter importance. If you don’t take care of the your personal hygiene, you risk getting infected with some disease or illness and make your survival tougher.
Bathing and cleaning of your hands should be done only with clean water. If you don’t have purified water or access to some natural source of water, you may inflict more damage on yourself, washing and bathing with contaminated water. You can take care of wounds and infections, cleaning them with soap and water or rubbing alcohol if you have such. After irrigating the wound, it should be covered with a clean cloth to be kept protected from further contamination. Washing your hands with running water and soap is the best way to disinfect them and keep them protected from bacteria. If you don’t have soap and running water, wet wipes can be used instead. Washing your hands is very important, because all microbes and bacteria are spread with hands, especially when eating.
In cases of emergency and situations, in which the only thing you can think of is survival, personal hygiene first aid is something you need to have previously prepared. To